Nursing team

Practice Nurses

Practice nurses are qualified and registered nurses. They work closely with GPs and other healthcare professionals to provide high-quality patient care.

They can help with health issues such as family planning, healthy living advice and screenings, blood pressure checks and dressings. The practice nurses run clinics for long-term health conditions such as asthma or diabetes, minor ailment clinics and carry out cervical smears.

Practice Nurses are essential in promoting wellness and providing preventative care in the community.

Liz Thomas – Lead Practice Nurse/Nurse Prescriber (Female)

Bachelor of Nursing (University of Manchester 1995)
MA (Econ) Applied Social Research (University of Manchester 2002)
PGDip Public Health (Liverpool John Moores University 2008)
Special interest in Homeless Healthcare, Inclusion Health, Women’s Health, and Sexual Health and Contraception.

Mehvish Khan – Practice Nurse (Female)

Bachelor of Honours in Adult Nursing (University of Manchester 2018)
Special interest in Respiratory Medicine and Child Health.

Verna Cunningham – Community Practice Nurse (Female)

Registered General Nurse (RGN) (North Manchester School of Nursing 1992)
Special Interest in Community Health, Inclusion Health and Long-term conditions.

Helen Gee – Trainee Advanced Clinical Practitioner in Homeless Healthcare (Female)

Bachelor of Nursing (University of Manchester 2005)
Currently undertaking a MSc in Advanced Clinical Practice
Special interest in BBVs (Blood Borne Viruses), Homeless Healthcare and Inclusion Health.

Lisa Howard Jones – Practice Nurse (Female)

Advanced Diploma Adult Nursing
Special interest in Mentoring Students, Homeless Healthcare, Inclusion Health, Tissue Viability and Women’s Health.

Liam Connolly – Practice Nurse Specialist with the Manchester Pathway Homeless Healthcare Service (Male)

Bachelor of Honours in Adult Nursing (University of Manchester 2022)
Special interest in Veteran Health, Homeless Healthcare and Inclusion Health.

Julia Hogan – Specialist Nurse Practitioner (Female)

Registered General Nurse (RGN) (Great Ormond Street Hospital, London 1984)
Health Visitor Certificate, (London 1989)
Diploma in Sexual and Reproductive Health
Letter of competence in subdermal implants and intrauterine techniques
Faculty of Sexual and Reproductive Health Trainer
Special interest in Women’s Health, and Sexual Health and Contraception and training colleagues. 

Advanced Nurse Practitioners (ANP)

An Advanced Nurse Practitioner (ANP) is a highly skilled nurse with advanced clinical training. ANPs can assess, diagnose, and manage patient care independently, often prescribing medication and creating treatment plans. They manage both acute and chronic conditions and provide holistic patient care.

Alison Morgan (Female)

Bachelor of Nursing (Hons) & Registered Nurse (Child) – University of Nottingham (1998)
MSc Advanced Clinical Practice  – Manchester Metropolitan University (2022)
Non-Medical Prescribing – University of Salford (2011)
British Menopause Society – Management of Menopause (2024)
Letter of competence Subdermal Contraceptive implants (2024)
Queen’s Nurse

Special Interests – Minor Illness, Cardiovascular Disease, Women’s Health, Contraception & Menopause

Healthcare Assistants

Healthcare assistants support practice nurses with their daily work and carry out tasks such as phlebotomy (drawing blood), blood pressure measurement and new patient checks. They may act as a chaperone when a patient or doctor requests one.

Catherine Pearson (Female)